Terms of use

This website provides an overview of events, activities and information int Sundancer ltd. company.

To access the site, it is necessary to have an Internet browser and Internet access. Web site address is: aura-yachts.com.

By accessing and viewing the website, the user undertakes to accept the rules and conditions of its use. The users accesses and views the website at their own risk. Sundancer ltd. assumes no responsibility for any consequences arising from access, use and/or inability to use the Website.

The content of this website has been prepared with all the attention and in good faith with the aim of providing informative content from the activities of Sundancer ltd. and serve solely for informational purposes.

Sundancer ltd. does not guarantee the completeness and timeliness of all information contained on this site, nor does it guarantee the completeness and timeliness of the content of the websites to which this website refers.

Sundancer ltd. reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to supplement, modify or remove any of the contents of this website at any time without prior notice.

Sundancer ltd. reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change the terms of access to and use of this website at any time, without prior notice.

All content, except official Sundancer ltd. logo and information, may only be copied for personal use and non-commercial purposes, while respecting all copyrights. For any publication, transmission, public display of this website for purposes other than those permitted, the written permission of Sundancer ltd. as well as other copyright owners is required. Any other copying and modification of parts of the content as well as the use of this website for purposes other than those permitted are expressly prohibited. Unauthorized attempts to modify the data, bypass and ignore security settings, as well as the use of this website contrary to its purpose are expressly prohibited.

Any abuse will be reported to the authorities.